Joining Reception
All primary places must be applied for via Waltham Forest admissions service
How to apply
- Once the application is processed by Waltham Forest admissions service, they will contact Woodside Primary
- Woodside will then get in touch with the parents to arrange a welcome meeting
Woodside Reception intake 2024-25 tours
Tours TBC
When will my child start
- Most children will start part-time on their first day and will do full school days from the second day of school
- For some children, a longer settling-in plan will be needed
- For some children, a staggered start will be needed
Do I need to complete any other forms
You will need to complete a Woodside admission form, this will emailed to you by admissions staff.
Where can I buy school uniform
- Uniform can be purchased from any supermarket (we do not require the school logo on uniform)
- School uniform can be ordered through Speedstitch
- We have a community uniform bank
- Click on link for the full school uniform policy
Additional information can be found below.